Friday, January 23, 2009

Suffer from asthma? Exercise

Ministry of Health

Being active is an essential part of healthy living.

Paula Radcliff, Professional Marathon Runner, (World Record Holder).

Asthma should not be a reason not to exercise, play sport or keep fit.

In the past it was believed that asthmatics should not take part in team sports and vigorous activities. We know now this is not true as there are many top athletes in various sports who have asthma.

Regular exercise increases fitness and if done appropriately it can help reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Exercise is important to asthmatics because it can increase/improve:
- Exercise tolerance
- Self esteem
- Confidence
- Psychological and physical well being

If you are asthmatic and would like to take part in regular activity the following steps can be used to ensure that it is done as safely and as comfortable as possible.

Visit the doctor
It is important to visit your doctor before taking part in any form of exercise to make sure that it is safe. Your doctor should give you some advice on how to manage your asthma and on the suitability of the activities that you are interested in.

Recognise the symptoms
If your asthma is not under control or if you are experiencing any of the following do not exercise, as it can be hazardous:
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Feeling tightness in the chest
- Breathlessness
- Cold or Flu

Plan your activities
Make sure your asthma is managed properly
Bring your asthma medication with you
Use your asthma medication about five to 10 minutes before you warm up. (Your doctor will advise you on the most suitable medication)
Always warm up by lightly moving and stretching for 10 to 15 minutes before you play sport or exercise
Always cool down

If you have an asthma attack:
- Stop what you are doing if you experience any early signs of an asthma attack
- Take four puffs of your reliever / inhaler (Ventolin or Bricanyl)
- Wait four minutes
- Wait until you are symptom free before you restart exercising
- If symptoms do not go away use your reliever again as directed

Benefits of regular exercise
- Better weight control
- More energy
- Brighter mental outlook
- Increased self-esteem
- Reduced risk of heart disease high blood pressure, diabetes and colon cancer
- Reduced risk of colon cancer
- Less chance of cold and flu
- Health and strong bones, joints and muscles
- Fitness and flexibility
- Better quality of life

Always remember
Being active is an essential part of healthy living and that asthma should not be a reason not to exercise, instead regular exercise should be a part of any asthma management plan.

- Ministry of Health Public Awareness Programme

Source: Weekend 17 January 2009

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